Do Part 1: Superset Moves (6 exercises below) and Part 2: Fast Fat Burn Cardio workout three days a week for a tighter, toned body.This routine minimizes rest time and maximizes calorie burn and toning. Do the 6 moves that follow in pairs (or supersets) without a break between exercises. Then rest 1 minute before performing the next pair. Start with 1 set of the recommended reps for each superset, adding a set each week until you're up to 3 sets, with a 1-minute break between sets if needed. Warm up with light activity such as marching in place for 5 minutes.
Hands-Up Squat
Do: 15 reps

STAND with feet more than shoulder-width apart and fingers laced behind head.
A. Keeping elbows back, bend at hips and knees and lower until thighs are almost parallel to ground. Press back to standing.
B. Challenge yourself: From the down position, explode upward, jumping a few inches off ground, landing softly with knees slightly bent.
Single-Leg Bridge
Do: 12 reps per side

LIE with knees bent, feet flat, arms at sides. Extend right leg, keeping knees aligned. Tighten abs, contract left glute, and lift hips off ground so body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders. Slowly lower hips without touching ground.
Do: 15 reps per side

FACE a bench or high step (about 12 inches) with left foot on top, knee directly over ankle, foot flat. Press into left foot and lift body onto bench, tapping it with right toes. Keep abs tight and don't lean forward. Slowly lower to starting position.
Stability Ball Leg Curl
Do: 12 reps

LIE with heels on stability ball. Contract abs and glutes and lift hips off ground so body forms a straight line. Bend knees and roll ball toward hips. Pause, then extend legs, keeping hips lifted the entire time.
Challenge yourself: do single-leg curls, keeping opposite leg raised up in the air.
Split Squat
Do: 8 reps per side

STAND 2 to 3 feet in front of a bench with top of left foot on bench. Keeping abs tight, bend right leg and lower until front thigh is parallel to ground. Keep front knee behind toes and don't lean forward. Press back to standing.
Mountain Climber
Do: 10 reps per side, alternating legs

ASSUME a full push-up position. Pull right knee toward chest, keeping abs tight, and hips level. Extend right leg back to starting position and repeat with left leg.